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12 Beds, 5 Baths

Doylestown, PA 18902
4525 Wismer Rd, Doylestown, PA 18902
Pre-Foreclosure (Lis Pendens)
Please note that this is not a rent-to-own property. This single family home has been listed as a pre-foreclosure. A pre-foreclosed property means that the owner of this single family home has missed one or more payments and are now considered delinquent on their loan. This means that the owner of this 12 bed, 5 bath property in Doylestown, PA may consider selling the home at a lower than market price. Due to this no asking price has been provided since the single family home is not formally listed on the market for sale. For more information about this 12 bed, 5 bath property in Doylestown, PA please register for owner details and more.

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